Thursday, September 8, 2011

Famous Anglo-Saxons.

We love these people!! Heres some information on them.

Edwin was King of Northumbria from 616 to 632. Although he was heir of Ælla, king of Deira, Æthelfrith stopped Edwin from claiming his title. Rædwald, king of East Anglia, protected Edwin until 616 whereupon he beat Æthelfrith and gave the kingdom back to Edwin. Edwin is seen as making Northumbria the most powerful kingdom ever in Anglo-Saxon history. This pagan king also allowed himself to be converted to Christianity by St. Paulinus in 627. Today we can see Edwin in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Not only did he build the town, his naming of it, Edwin's Burgh became the modern-day Edinburgh that we know today.

Cuthbert began a humble life as a shepherd in Melrose, Scotland. It is said that as he was tending sheep, Cuthbert had a vision. At the moment of having the vision, St. Aiden who had founded the Priory of Lindisfarne died. St. Aiden was a very holy man and the blend of his death and the vision urged Cuthbert to become a monk. After his training, Cuthbert founded a monastery of his own in Ripon. After losing the monastery for refusing to accept the Roman's way of religion, he returned to Melrose and took over the priory there. In 664, Roman tradition was ruled as the "way to go," and so finally Cuthbert accepted it. After being given the Priory of Lindisfarne, he taught the new traditions to the monks. In 685, Cuthebert accepted the title of Bishop of Lindisfarne. Two years later, Cuthbert died.

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